Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Like in the post about social networking, we said if you want to have a picture on your blog or on another site that requires a picture you should make an avatar! On the left side of the blog we have a link called Voki, an avatar maker that can have a voice and say what you want. we have examples on our blog too!

Get a Voki now!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Logos for Social networking sites

Social Networking Sites

Almost everyone has a Facebook, MySpace or someother site you can use to chat with friends and show off pictures of your self. But you mite want to be careful on what you put on your profile. On most social networking sites there is security settings so you can allow only certain people to see what you put on the net. But you still mite want to be careful of what you let people see. If you make a blog you should use a Avatar so people wont see who you are and what you look like. You also shouldn't show your address or phone number so people wont be able to contact you like a stranger or stalker. You also shouldn't post something personal that you normally wouldn't tell the world because no matter what you do, once you put something on the internet its on there for good. So be careful on what you put on your blogs or profiles because what you do now may affect your future job or your family could see too.


A password is a word or phrase that you use to access a website so you can login to your account like on Facebook.
How to choose a password: A password is something you should be able to remember but not easily figured out by hackers and friends or strangers. To do so you should use a combonation of letters and numbers. Your password should also be about 8 characters long. This should make a secure password so hakers cant figure it out and take your identity or pretend to be you on the internet.

How to stay safe on the internet!

When you are using the internet you should never use your full name, your home address or phone number, your social security number or any other personal ID that you wouldn't give to a random person on the street.